Commodore Alvin Dozier & Captain Jesse Taggart attended Megacon at the Orange County Convention Center, August 12th-15th.
Author Archives: Jesse Taggart
CAPT Taggart assigned as CO
Captain Jesse Taggart was assigned as Commanding Officer of the USS Andromeda by STARFLEET.
USS Andromeda awarded the Order of P’Jem
The crew of the USS Andromeda was presented with the Order of P’Jem. This award is for the continued dedication of service and perseverance in the face of the Global COVID 19 Pandemic.
USS Andromeda Commissioned
The USS Andromeda is commissioned under the command of Commodore Dozier as a STARFLEET chapter having finished her shakedown cruise.
USS Andromeda Launched
The USS Andromeda launches under the command of Commodore Dozier as a STARFLEET chapter-in-training beginning her shakedown cruise with the blessing of our support ship the USS Victorious.