
The USS Andromeda is the Tampa, Florida chapter (Region 2) of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, a registered 501(c)7 non-profit corporation incorporated in North Carolina. We are primarily a virtual social group with live meetups at various fandom events throughout the year. Anybody who is a Star Trek fan may join our crew and connect with your fellow Trekkies over something we all love, though we welcome all that the science fiction multiverse has to offer. Please find us on our Facebook group and/or our Discord server.

The USS Andromeda was launched under the command of Commodore Dozier and his XO, at the time Lt. Commander Taggart, in 2017 with the blessing of our support ship, the USS Victorious. Since June 2021, Fleet Captain Taggart, not the one from the NSEA-Protector, is the current commander of the USS Andromeda who is working to usher in a new diverse era of inclusive local fandom focusing on social connections through a mutual love of these various shows as so much new Star Trek content is still being created from Paramount adding to the variety of storytelling tastes the franchise has to offer.


Membership is optional and not required for general participation in the USS Andromeda. However, for only about the cost of a quick lunch, the annual due of $10 slips of gold-pressed latinum, less in family plans, will grant access to the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. (STARFLEET) resources such as the quarterly Communiqué newsletter, use of the STARFLEET Academy, and membership perks.
To join or renew a STARFLEET membership, please sign in to the SFI database at https://db.sfi.org/secure/signup.php
U.S.S. Andromeda dedication plaque. Sovereign class - Starfleet Registry NCC-75009 Launched: 201702.19 - Commissioned: 201710.01 - San Francisco Yards - United Federation of Planets - STARFLEET INTERNATIONAL FADM John Bradbury FADM Wayne Killough FADM Robert Westfall RADM Dan Toole RADM Beau Thacker RADM Mark Anderson MGN Joe Sare COMM Ron Coleman COMM Ryan Case COMM Alvin Dozier CAPT Mike Mayeux BGN Angela Lewis "If hope is the engine of the soul, then duty is the navigator… & love is the fuel." - Sani Nax Rifati